Monday, March 11, 2013

My love for Converse/Dark Purple

I sort of feel like I'm late getting on the band wagon for Converse shoes. Before my 24th birthday, I've never owned a pair of Chuck Taylors. I know! I'm sorry.

My husband and I were out shopping the other day with some friends that were visiting when we noticed Converse was having a sale. I've tried Converse on before, but I always thought they fit a little weird and I kinda hated it. They used to make me feel like I had clown shoes on because you usually have to buy a size or so up so the width is right. I don't know if my foot changed shape, but I love the feel of them now.

I decided I liked the style, but I wasn't infatuated with them until I saw these AMAZING purple shoes. I've been weirdly obsessed with purple lately, specifically this purple. This exact shade. I'm pretty sure that at this point in my life, I'd buy anything this color.

Needless to say, I bought 2 pairs. They were buy one get one half off after all. $60 for 2 pairs of the best shoes in the best color is the best deal ever, and I don't care what anyone says. I'm also especially glad I bought 2 pairs because I accidentally ripped the first pair a little because I was being fat and lazy and tried putting them on without untying them. BIG mistake.

I hope to one day find a dark purple belt to wear with these. Or a hoodie! Yes, a hoodie would be nice.

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